Annoator API

System specific binary should be rebuilt. Otherwise this could introduce misalignment errors and for Dependency Parser the requirement is Java Runtime Environment :)

class'', stp_dir='', dep_model='edu.stanford.nlp.trees.EnglishGrammaticalStructure', raise_e=False, save_all=False, env=False, env_path='')[source]

:Class:~pntl.Annotator is a class which holds the nessary function.

check_stp_jar(path, raise_e=False, _rec=True)[source]

Check the stanford parser is present in the given directions and nested searching will be added in futurwork

  • path (str) – path of where the stanford parser is present

  • raise_e (bool) – to raise exception with user wise and default False don’t raises exception


given path if it is valid one or return boolean False or if raise FileNotFoundError on raise_exp=True

Return type


get_annoations(sentence='', senna_tags=None, dep_parse=True)[source]

passing the string to senna and performing aboue given nlp process and the returning them in a form of dict()

  • or list sentence (str) – a sentence or list of sentence for nlp process.

  • or list senna_tags (str) – this values are by SENNA processed string

  • batch (bool) – the change the mode into batch processing process

  • dep_parse (bool) – to tell the code and user need to communicate with stanford parser


the dict() of every out in the process such as ner, dep_parse, srl, verbs etc.

Return type


get_batch_annotations(sentences, dep_parse=True)[source]

sentences (list) – list of sentences

Return type


get_conll_format(sentence, options='-srl -pos -ner -chk -psg')[source]

Communicates with senna through lower level communiction (sub process) and converted the console output(default is file writing) with CoNLL format and argument to be in options pass

  • or list (str) – list of sentences for batch processes

  • list (options) – list of arguments




Display model informations (on the standard error output, so it does not mess up the tag outputs).


Do not output tokens (first output column).


Output start/end character offset (in the sentence), for each token.


Output IOB tags instead of IOBES.


Output ‘bracket’ tags instead of IOBES.


Specify the path to the SENNA data and hash directories, if you do not run SENNA in its original directory. The path must end by “/”.


Use user’s tokens (space separated) instead of SENNA tokenizer.


Use verbs outputed by the POS tagger instead of SRL style verbs for SRL task. You might want to use this, as the SRL training task ignore some verbs (many “be” and “have”) which might be not what you want.


Use user’s verbs (given in ) instead of SENNA verbs for SRL task. The file must contain one line per token, with an empty line between each sentence. A line which is not a “-” corresponds to a verb.


Instead of outputing tags for all tasks, SENNA will output tags for the specified (one or more) tasks.


Instead of outputing tags for all tasks, SENNA will output tags for the specified (one or more) tasks.


Instead of outputing tags for all tasks, SENNA will output tags for the specified (one or more) tasks.


Instead of outputing tags for all tasks, SENNA will output tags for the specified (one or more) tasks.


Instead of outputing tags for all tasks, SENNA will output tags for the specified (one or more) tasks.


senna tagged output

Return type



Change to the Stanford parser direction and process the works


parse (str) – parse is the input(tree format) and it is writen in as file


stanford dependency universal format

Return type



get the current os executable binary file.


os_name (str) – os name like Linux, Darwin, Windows


the corresponding exceutable object file of senna

Return type



Communicates with senna through lower level communiction(sub process) and converted the console output(default is file writing)

:param str/list input_data : list of sentences for batch processes :return: senna tagged output :rtype: str


Communicates with senna through lower level communiction(sub process) and converted the console output(default is file writing). On batch processing each end is add with new line.


sentences (list) – list of sentences for batch processes

Return type


classmethod help_conll_format()[source]

With the help of this method, detail of senna arguments are displayed

property jar_cli

The return cli for standford-parser.jar(this is python @property)

Return type



displays the current set of values such as SENNA location, stanford parser jar, jar command interface


Save is wrapper function build on the top of :Class:~snowbase.end_point.EntryPoint.

property senna_dir

The return the path of senna location and set the path for senna at run time(this is python @property)

Return type


property stp_dir

The return the path of stanford parser jar location and set the path for Dependency Parse at run time( this is python @property)